
What is the meaning of "Ish Chemah Yegareh Madon"?


Rashi: A man that cannot stop his Ru'ach to delay his anger, he will make quarrels.


R. Yonah: When you seek someone to separate feuding parties, do not take an angry person. Just like he gets angry over his own matters, he will get angry over a feud that does not pertain to him. He will incite hostility between the parties, when he detests one of their claims and gets angry at him, and does not bear everyone to answer him softly.


Malbim: Madon is a quarrel due to a case between two people. Riv includes every quarrel. "V"Ish Medanim Lecharcher Riv" (26:21) - one whose nature is to make claims and find quarrels, he instigates Riv; an angry person arouses Madon. "Ish Af Yegareh Madon u'Va'al Chemah Rav Pesha" (29:22). Chemah is internal anger that burns; Af is external anger. Below it explains that an Ish Af, since he wants to harm his colleague, he instigates Madon. He finds an excuse to seek a judgment. A Ba'al Chemah, that anger greatly burns inside him, sins much. He harms his colleague without any judgment or claim, only with murder and extortion. Here it says that sometimes an Ish Chemah instigates Madon. He wants to carry out his anger via Madon in the way of Mishpat. From the Madon he will arouse Riv.


What is "Erech Apayim"?


Rashi: He does not rush to take vengeance and quarrel.


How does he silence the feud?


Rashi: It ends and quiets by itself.


Malbim: When the other party is Erech Apayim, he answers softly - - "Ma'aneh Rach Tashiv Chemah" (1). He will appease him with soft words, and the Riv will be silenced. Even though the Madon came via Chemah, the Chemah will depart and the Riv will be silenced.

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