
What claim did Sarah have against Avraham?


Rashi #1: That when he prayed for children, he only prayed for himself and not for her as well. 1


Rashi #2, Targum Yonasan, Seforno, Moshav Zekenim: When Hagar disgraced her, he remained silent. 2


Rashi: Because, she claimed, had he Davened also for her, perhaps she would already have been granted children together with him.


Targum Yonasan adds that, she reminded him that she had left her land and father's household to accompany him to a foreign country and had given him her maidservant as a wife. And now that that maidservant had demeaned her, she expected him to defend her. And she concluded that, now that Avraham had remained silent, she relied on HaSh-m to do stand up for her, and that she would bear him children who would fill the land; consequently, there was no need for Hagar to have children.


Why does the word "u'Veinecha" have a second "Yud" (unlike other occurrences of this word)?


Rashi: So that it can be read "u'Veinayich" (as if she was speaking to Hagar). 1 This teaches us that she placed an Ayin ha'Ra on Hagar, who miscarried her baby. 2


See Gur Aryeh.


This explains why the angel will later inform her that she will become pregnant (again) (16:11).


The Gemara says (Bava Kama 93a) that Sarah asked HaSh-m to judge between her and Avraham, and that therefore, she was punished first. But Hagar miscarried long before Sarah died!


Moshav Zekenim #1: Immediately, Sarah's apportioned years were reduced, before Hagar miscarried!


Moshav Zekenim #2: The miscarriage was not due to this judgment. Sarah did not care about it.



Rashi writes: "You should have prayed for both of us.... Furthermore, you are withholding your words [now]; you hear my disgrace and remain silent." Why does Rashi use the term "furthermore" (v'Od) rather than "alternatively" (Davar Acher)?


Gur Aryeh: The word "injustice" (Chamas) is used without specifying; it includes any injustice, and so both explanations are implied in the verse.

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