
Here it says that that Melech Ashur heeded Achaz, and killed Retzin. In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:20-21 it says that Melech Ashur did not help Achaz!


Malbim: Divrei ha'Yamim teaches that Melech Ashur did not help him against the Edomim and Pelishtim who came against Achaz. He removed only Melech Aram 1 from Achaz.


Malbim (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:17): Melech Ashur exiled also the 10 tribes.


What is the meaning of "va'Yagleha Kirah"?


Rashi: He exiled [the people in Damesek] to a Medinah called Kir. Radak - Kir is in Ashur - "v'Galu Es Aram Kirah" (Amos 1:5).

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