
Why is there a Segol under the Mem in "Meh"?


Radak: This happens 24 1 times in Tanach. The same applies when the next word begins with Ches or Ayin; there are 47 2 such words.


I found 24 such when the next word does not begin with Ayin. However, in five of them, the next word begins with Ches, and it seems that Radak counts those separately, with those followed by Ayin! (PF)


I found only 46 (and two verses that end with Mah, and the next verse begins with Ayin). In six of the 46, our texts say Mah (e.g. Bereishis 31:32, 36). (PF)


Do they not realize that it is punishment for sin?


Malbim #1: Why will we be punished? Also previous generations sinned, e.g. of Menasheh, and Hashem did not bring the evil on them!


Malbim #2 1 : We did not sin at all - not b'Mezid and not b'Shogeg.


Malbim implies that there is no contradiction between his two Perushim. Perhaps his latter Perush means 'we do not know of any sin we did, be it Mezid or Shogeg. This is difficult. (PF)


Why is there no Yud in "Avonenu" and "Chatosenu"?


Radak: These are singular.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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