
Why did Hashem command him not to marry and have sons and daughters?


Radak: Do not say that it is because it was decreed that sons and daughters born here will starve to death. Yirmeyah was proper that they live in his merit 1 ! Rather, Hashem decreed only not to take a wife and father children in Anasos. There was a decree against the sons and daughters born in Anasos. It says "Hemah Levadam Yinatzelu" (Yechezkel 14:16). However, in Yerushalayim there will be a remnant - "v'Hinei Nosrah Bah Peletah ha'Mutza'im Banim u'Vanos" (ibid., 22). If he would have children in Anasos, they would perish - "Ki Ad Tzedek Yashuv Mishpat" (Tehilim 94:15). A Tzadik amidst thousands of people who are liable, he dies with them. The angels told Lot "Pen Tisafeh ba'Avon ha'Ir" (Bereishis 19:15). All the more so, one who does not have his own merit, e.g. [young] sons and daughters. If Yirmeyah had children there and removed them before the decree, they would not die with the others. However, their relatives, Bnei Anasos, would not allow this, for they did not believe his Nevu'ah. Even if Yirmeyah himself was there, perhaps he would not be saved among all of them.


Radak: Minors die only due to sins of their parents. Yirmeyah had no sin for his children to die from it! Also, the decree was on some of them, but not on all of them. Also exile was decreed on them! It says in Yechezkel's Nevu'ah about Yerushalayim "v'Hinei Nosrah Bah Peletah ha'Mutza'im Banim u'Vanos" (14:22). Also, it was decreed that the fathers and mothers die, and not all of them died, for some were exiled! Similarly, it says in Yechezkel "Im Banim v'Im Banos Yatzilu Hemah Levadam Yinatzelu" (14:16). Why won't virtuous fathers save their children? The children are like [their fathers] - minor children have no sin to die for it! It says "Hemah Levadam Yinatzelu" when there are three Tzadikim in one city - "v'No'ach Daniel v'Iyov b'Sochah" (ibid., 20). Their merits join to save them. If there are 10, they save the entire city - "v'Nasati l'Chol ha'Makom Ba'avuram" (Bereishis 18:26). If they are saved from death, perhaps they will not be saved from exile or another punishment. "Yipol mi'Tzidcha Elef


What is "in this place"?


Radak, Malbim: It is Anasos.

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