
Whose throne will be prepared with Chesed?


Rashi: When this breakage comes upon you, David's throne will be established and grow, for Sancheriv will fall via Chizkiyah. We find that Chizkiyah did Chesed - "Chizkiyah Melech Yehudah Herim la'Kahal Elef Parim v'Shiv'as Alafim Tzon" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 30:24).


Radak #1: Chizkiyah's, via Chesed that he will do. Mo'av will be finished, and plunderer after plunderer will come upon them, and they will be lowered from their pride - "Shamanu Ge'on Mo'av


What is the meaning of "v'Yashav Alav be'Emes"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He does Emes.


Radak: Chizkiyah's throne will be established via Emes that he will do - "va'Ya'as ha'Tov veha'Yashar veha'Emes Lifnei Hashem Elokav" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 31:20).


Malbim: The Chesed will not be amidst hope for reward, rather, love of Emes.


What is "b'Ohel David"?


Radak: It is the Beis Malchus of David. This king will judge and seek Mishpat.


What is the meaning of "Doresh Mishpat"?


Malbim: Not only does he judge between two litigants who come in front of him - he seeks Mishpat to pursue after it.


What is "Mehir Tzedek"?


Radak: He is zealous and quick to do straight deeds and Tzedek. He judged righteously in his house, for everyone who came in front of him. All those who did not come in front of him, he sought Mishpat of the poor and the oppressed, even though they did not scream to him.


Malbim: After he sees who is vindicated, he is quick to implement the verdict, strengthen the Nigzal and faltering knees.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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