
How did she trust in her beauty?


Radak: She trusted in her great success and fame, and was Mezanah with the foreign gods of the nations ? "va'Yishman Yeshurun va'Yiv'at" (Devarim 32:15). All Zenus of Keneses Yisrael is idolatry. Even though the metaphor is about [literal] Zenus and Bi'ah, the Nimshal is idolatry.


Malbim: She considered it to be natural beauty due to herself, and not from Me.


What is the meaning of "va'Tizni Al Shmech"?


Rashi: You relied on the fame of your beauty.


Malbim: Initially, you yourself were not Mezanah, just on your name, like Chazal said (Megilah 15a) that Rachav was Mezanah with her name (anyone who said Rachav, Rachav immediately had an emission).


What is the meaning of "va'Tishpechi Es Taznusayich [Al Kol Over]"?


Rashi: You showed your beauty to all who passed, to the point that lust for Zenus with you spilled on them, to entice you to be Mezanah with them.


Radak: Just like a Kli that is too full. You increased Zenus until it spilled. Taznusayich is plural. Taznus has the same grammatical form as Tarbus.


Malbim: Everyone who passed and saw you, his lust for Zenus with you "Lo Yehi" (became fixed in him), even though you were not Mezanah with him.


Malbim (17, according to the Nimshal): Everyone who passes learns from her deeds (idolatry).


Why does it say "Lo Yehi"?


Rashi: After they desired you, you made yourself Hefker to them. Anyone who asked to be Mezaneh with you, you were to him 1 .


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It was not proper for you to do so. Rashi ? he explains as if it says Lo (with an Aleph) Yehi. This entire Mashal is about Chet ha'Egel in the Midbar and other idolatry that Shevet Dan did in the Midbar ? "Kol ha'Necheshalim Acharecha" (Devarim 25:18). Pesikta says that this refers to Shevet Dan. The cloud expelled them, for they all served idolatry.


Radak: Your desire is for him, like a harlot who makes herself Hefker to all. The men of her city do not suffice for her, until she makes herself Hefker to Nochrim who pass by her. So one or two or three idolatries did not suffice for you ? "Ki Mispar Arecha Hayu Elohecha Yehudah" Yirmeyah (2:28). If a Nochri from afar passed holding idolatry, you desired it, until you will do it in your land.


Malbim: Refer to 16:15:3:3.


Surely this is Rashi's intent. Perhaps the text should say 'Lo Yehi' or 'Lo Hayis.' (PF)

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