
What are the implications of the word "Shabbason" (which has connotations of an Isur d'Rabanan)?


Shabbos 114b: It teaches us that, although the Chachamim permitted cutting vegetables on Yom Kipur afternoon - in preparation for Motza'ei Yom Kipur; if Yom Kipur falls on Shabbos it is prohibited.


What did Moshe mean when he told the people "Eis Asher Tofu, Eifu ... Basheilu"?


Rashi, Ramban, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He informed them that whatever they wanted to bake or to cook tomorrow, they should bake or cook today. 1


Beitzah 15b: He was telling them that, with regard to baking and cooking on Yom-Tov that falls on a Friday, they are only permitted to bake and cook on Yom-Tov for Shabbos, on what they had already baked and cooked before Yom-Tov - support (Asmacht) for Eiruv Tavshilin, which is only d'Rabanan. 2


Since it is not allowed to bake or to cook on Shabbos.


See Torah Temimah, mote 34, who elaborates.


What did he mean when he added "v'Eis Kol ha'Odeif..."?


Ramban #1 (citing Onkelos): After baking and cooking the two Omers, they ate part of it today and part tomorrow. 1


Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra): They were permitted to cook and bake one Omer today, whereas the remaining Omer they kept until tomorrow, when they were told to eat it as it was. 2


Which they were initially hesitant to do (Ramban). It seems that they were permitted to eat as much of the two Omrim as they fancied today, and whatever they left over for tomorrow would suffice - as that was the Berachah of Shabbos (Ramban).


However, the Ramban prefers the previous explanation.


Why does the Torah here insert "Shabason Shabbos" before "Kodesh," whereas later, in 35:2, it writes "Kodesh Shabbos Shabason"?


Moshav Zekenim: To teach us that one must add from Chol onto Kodesh, inasmuch as 'Shevisah' (refraining from Melachah) comes before the actual Kodesh, and also after it - on Motza'ei Shabbos.

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