
How would they see the Kavod of Hashem in the morning?


Rashi and Rashbam: It means that Hashem would provide them with bread in the morning, with a shining countenance. 1


Ramban (citing also Targum Onkelos): Refer to 16:6:1:2.


Seforno: This was merely a continuation of the Tefilah in the previous Pasuk (Refer to 16:6:2:2) that they should see the completion of the fixing of meal-times, 2 by means of which they would discover that it was Hashem who took them out of Egypt and not Moshe and Aharon.


Refer to 16:6:1:1*.


A manifestation of Kevod Hashem (Seforno).


What did Moshe mean when he said (About himself and Aharon) "v'Nachnu Mah"?


Rashi, Ramban and Targum Yonasan: He meant "Of what significance are we." 1


Rashi (to Devarim 7:7): This typifies Yisrael, who always belittle themselves. 2


Chulin 89a #1: 'I have a strong desire for you,' says Hashem, 'because even when I shower you with greatness, you make yourselves small. I bestowed greatness upon Moshe and Aharon .... 3


Chulin 89a #2 Based on a Gezerah Shavah "Nachnu Mah," "Toleh Eretz Al B'li-Mah" (Iyov 26:7), the entire world exists only because of Moshe and Aharon. 4


Chulin 89a #3: What the Torah says about Moshe and Aharon, "v'Nachnu Mah;" is greater than what it says about Avraham, "v'Anochi Afar va'Efer." 5


Ramban: So how could Yisrael complain about them when everything that happens is orchestrated by Hashem, and they were totally incapable. This is the meaning of the word "Mah" - as in Tehilim 8:5, and in Yeshayah 2:22. Rashi (commenting on the Pasuk, "for you are the smallest of all the nations" - Devarim 7:7) - This is the mark of Tzadikim, who negate themselves before Hashem, like Avraham, who declared "I am dust and ashes" (Bereishis 18:27), and like Moshe and Aharon, who declared "and what are we!"


See note in answer #1. See also Torah Temimah, note 11.


See note in answer #1.


See Torah Temimah, note 12.


See Torah Temimah, note 13.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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