
What do we learn from "Chamas Melech Mal'achei Maves"?


Rashi: It is like messengers of death.


R. Yonah: You fear even earthly kings - all the more so you should fear anger of Hashem!


Malbim: Chemah is stored in the heart. When it is revealed to take vengeance, it is called Af. A commoner's Chemah is not dangerous, for he cannot take vengeance immediately. When the king's Chemah is aroused, he sends messengers of death and destroys many.


Malbim (according to the metaphor): Hashem's anger arouses angels of death.


What is the meaning of "v'Ish Chacham Yechaperenah"?


Rashi: He will appease [the anger].


R. Yonah: This teaches the attribute of Chachmah, and the need and benefit of it. If earthly kings love Chachmah and are pleased with a Chacham, [all the more so] the Master of Chachmah, who gives Chachmah, and "mi'Piv Da'as u'Svunah" (2:6).


Malbim: A Chacham is needed to know how to atone for the sin and turn back Chemah.


Malbim (according to the metaphor): A Chacham like Pinchas can atone for sin and "Heshiv Es Chamasi;

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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