
Why does it say "Kano Chachmah Mah Tov [me'Charutz]"?


R. Yonah: This is connected to the king's Ratzon and love (13). They are acquired only via Chachmah. The Chacham atones for his anger (14). Also, kings honor him due to his Chachmah.


Malbim: Chachmah is received teachings how to conduct with all natures of the Nefesh and Midos. Binah is understanding a matter amidst another matter, by himself. This can be in matters of Chachmah - he understands a matter from a matter - or in matters that Sechel judges them, according to comparisons of Tevunah between Emes and Sheker.


Why does the verse mention Charutz and Kesef?


Malbim: Silver is currency, and gold is the commodity. One uses silver to buy and sell other matters. One stores gold; he does not spend it - "Ki Tov Sachrah mi'Schar Kasef ume'Charutz Tevu'asah" (3:14). One stores Chachmah in the storehouse of his heart and does not spend it. It is the grain that one eats to satiate the Nefesh. Chachmah is better than Charutz, for it is intrinsically good. Binah is used for business; via comparisons, one derives a matter amidst another matter, and understands and switches ideas for ideas, and profits, like something that one does business with it. This is like silver, which is not intrinsically good, only due to its ability to buy other matters. Acquiring Binah is better than silver, for one buys with it very dear intellectual matters.

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