
Why was Shmuel afraid to anoint David like Hashem commanded, and why did Hashem tell him to say that he is going to offer a Korban?


Radak #1: Even if Hashem promises a Tzadik or Navi [of safety], he may not go in a place of danger. Hashem promised Yakov "I will return you to this land" and "return


Here, there was mortal danger. How can we learn when there is no danger? The Gemara already brought a source to permit Leshanos for the sake of Shalom (from Yosef's brothers, who told him that Yakov commanded that he pardon them; however, perhaps also that was due to danger!), and learned from here that it is even a Mitzvah Leshanos. (PF)


Since he was commanded to say that he is going to offer a Korban, is this not like going covertly? (PF)


There, Moshe could tell them immediately that Hashem will give to them water, to pacify them. How can we learn to Shmuel, who would not be able to pacify Sha'ul? (PF)


Why should it deduct from his merits if he obeyed Hashem's command?! Surely the Gemara discusses one who decided to put himself in danger! (PF)


Would Shmuel be lying when he says that he is going to offer a Korban?


Malbim: No. Shmuel could have thought of this himself. He did not want to lie, so Hashem commanded him, and now he can honestly say that he is going to offer a Korban. 1


Yevamos 65b: We learn from here that it is a Mitzvah Leshanos (deviate from the truth) for the sake of Shalom. (This implies that he did not go to offer. However, perhaps it is considered Leshanos because it was not his primary intent. Refer to 16:2:2:1*. - PF)


Even without Hashem's command, Shmuel could go to offer a Korban and anoint the king! Perhaps then it would be deceptive to say that he goes to offer, for the Korban is secondary to his primary intent. Now that Hashem commanded, it is equal to the command to anoint a king. Also refer to 16:3:1:2. (PF)

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