
What is the meaning of "Asher Higlisa"?


Radak: You moved and repositioned them. Galos is not always an expression of captivity, e.g. "va'Yaglum El Manachas" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 8:6).


Kli Yakar: It refers to captivity. Melech Ashur exiled the Kusim from their lands, and brought them to Yisrael!


Why did they say twice that they do not know "Mishpat Elokei ha'Aretz"?


Malbim: There were two consequences. (a) Hashem sent b'Hashgachah lions to inform them that there is a Judge and Master in His world. (b) Now that the lions are here, automatically (without Hashgachah) they kill, for the people do not know the laws of the G-d of the land, and they lost their human form, so the lions view them like animals [and do not fear them. Refer to 17:25:2:1*.]


Yisrael served the calves only to be intermediaries between them and Hashem. This was the mindset of the nations at the time, that an intermediary is needed to get close to Hashem and serve Him. Yisrael erred like the Nochrim thought. If so, what was the difference between them and the nations?


Radak (28): Some say that the nations served their gods, and their Chachamim knew that the images help only to be intermediaries; the Avodah should be pleasing to Hashem. The masses thought that the [image] served helps and harms. Yisrael knew from their ancestors that Hashem is G-d of gods, just they erred after the Nochrim's mindset. Yisrael were separated from the nations. When they saw the nations succeed, they thought that their intermediary gods caused their success, and said "how do these Goyim serve their gods? Also I will do so" (Devarim 12:30). This is like Achav said "Elohei Malchei Aram help them. I will offer [to them], and they will help me" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:23). Even the evil among them sought Hashem. Yaravam said "Chal Na Es Pnei Hashem Elokecha" (Melachim I, 13:6). His intent was that He helps and harms. He did not say that his arm dried by chance! When his son fell ill, he sent his wife to ask from Hashem, from Achiyah ha'Shiloni. Achav agreed with Eliyahu about Nevi'ei ha'Ba'al, and was afraid when the Navi told him "Nafshecha Tachas Nafsho" (ibid., 20:42). Due to Eliyahu's Nevu'ah, he tore his clothes, fasted and sat in sackcloth (ibid., 21:27). Yehoram said "Hashem summonsed these three kings to hand them over to Mo'av!" (Melachim II, 3:10) They feared Hashem, for they knew that He helps and harms. Even though some denied this, and said "Mi Ro'enu u'Mi Yod'enu" (Yeshayah 29:15), they were a minority, and said so covertly - va'Ychap'u Vnei Yisrael" (verse 9). They did not believe that Hashem or anything served helps and harms. Most believed in idolatry, and intended for Hashem, just they served via an intermediary. However, Hashem forbade this - Elohei Chesef vEi'lohei Zahav Lo Sa'asu Lachem" (Shemos 20:20; do not think that they will be intermediaries). They erred like the nations. Therefore, the land vomited them out - "do not go in the ways of the Goyim", "and the land will not vomit you out" (Vayikra 20:23, 18:28).


Why were the Kusim punished only in Eretz Yisrael, but not in their lands?


Radak (28): Eretz Yisrael is more Kadosh than the other lands, and does not tolerate those abominations. Therefore, [the Kohen] taught them Mishpat Elokei ha'Aretz. Had he told them not to serve idolatry at all, they would not believe him, for all nations were raised with [idolatry]. This was a truism for them! Rather, he told them to serve like they did, just gods help and harm only with Hashem's will. The gods are only intermediaries between them and Hashem. He also taught them to beware of great abominations of Tum'as ha'Guf like homosexuality, bestiality and incest, like it says "all these abominations, the residents of the land before you did them, and the land became Tamei" (Vayikra 18:27). This is more important in Eretz Yisrael than in other lands.

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