
What are "Nivchaz" and "Tartak"?


Rashi (from Sanhedrin 63b): They are the forms of a dog and a donkey, respectively. Radak - Nivchaz is like Nove'ach (barks, and) Chaz shows [its teeth].


What are "Adramelech" and "Anamelech"?


Rashi (from Sanhedrin 63b): They are the forms of a mule and a horse, respectively. A mule is Mehadar (honors) its master (Radak - carries his burden). A horse is Oneh (answers) its master's needs in war.


Radak from Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah 3:2: They are the forms of peacock and Pisyoni, i.e. Slav (the birds that Hashem gave to Yisrael in the Midbar). The Targum of "Sha'al va'Yave Slav" (Tehilim 105:40) is She'ilu Bisra v'Aiso Pisyonin. Alei Tamar (3:2, citing Yefe Mar'eh) - Anamelech is like Oneg Melech; it is an esteemed bird that comes on kings' tables.

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