What is the meaning of "Lo Atzti"?
Rashi: I did not urge You to bring [their punishment], for I was a good shepherd under You; I requested mercy for them.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I did not refrain from prophesizing Your word, to return them to fear of You.
Radak: I did not force myself, and I did not worry that I will be a shepherd after You, i.e. a Navi.
Malbim: Not only do I not fabricate punishments from my heart (and say them in Hashem's name). Even when You chose me to be a shepherd and leader, I did not want to be a Navi (1:6)!
What is "Yom Anush Lo His'aveisi"?
Rashi: Illness of punishments - I did not desire it.
Radak: I know that a day of Nevu'ah will be a harsh, severe day for me, but You forced me.
Malbim: Also after You sent me to prophesize punishment, I did not desire that they come, to affirm my prophecy.
How were Yirmeyah's words opposite Hashem's face?
Rashi: They were to repel Your anger from them.
Radak: I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am a youth" (1:6).
Malbim: I prayed to repel Your anger, even though You commanded me not to pray [for them]!