
Who are "Rodfai"?


Rashi: It is only Anshei Anasos.


Why should Rodfai be ashamed?


Radak: They say "let Hashem's word come" (7:15). Bring it upon them!


Why should they be afraid, and I not?


Malbim: My prophecy will be fulfilled on them. I will not fear lest they say that I am a false Navi.


What is "u'Mishneh Shibaron Shavrem"?


Radak: Mishneh is not Samuch [to Shibaron], for there is a Segol under the Nun. Rather, it is a second breakage. The same applies to "Kesef Mishneh" (Bereishis 43:15) - second money. There will be breakage after breakage. "Mishneh" does not imply only two; there will be breakage after breakage many times. The same applies to "Mol Es Bnei Yisrael Shenis" (Yehoshua 5:2), like I explained [there].


Malbim: They will be broken at the time of the evil of the Klal, and they will have an early breakage before the evil comes, like I explained above "Hatikem k'Tzon l'Tivchah" (12:3).

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