
Who remained?


Rashi: Chizkiyah and his entourage - a small amount of people in Yerushalayim, like Olelos (deficient clusters) in a vineyard and one who bangs olives down from a tree; he leaves two or three individual fruits.


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 95b: From Sancheriv's colossal camp, only a few remained.


Radak: The residents of Yerushalayim were like Olelos (very few) compared to the rest of Yisrael.


What is "k'Nokef Zayis"?


Rashi: He cuts olives to gather them from the tree. The same applies to "v'Nikaf Sivchei ha'Ya'ar" (10:34).


Radak: After knocking olives off the tree, only a few remain. They are at the end of the branch; the one who knocked was not able to reach them.


What is "b'Rosh Amir"?


Rashi: At the end of the branch. Radak - Amir is the top branch. So Yerushalayim is the highest and best of Eretz Yisrael. Melech Ashur will not be able to [harm] those inside it.


Malbim: It is the choice branch. Also the Olelos that it is normal to leave them for the poor, they are not many; on the choice branch, only two or three remain. The branches with many fruits will have four or five. I.e. also the few that Sancheriv will leave for "Chormim v'Yogvim" (Yirmeyah 52:16; refer to Yirmeyah 52:16:2:1-2, 52:16:3:1-3) will be very few.


What are "bi'Se'ifeha"?


Rashi: In its branches. This is like "v'Chilah Se'ifeha", "Mesa'ef Purah" (27:10, 10:33).

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