Why does it say "v'Hinei Shesulah"?
Rashi: Now it is planted as it wants (dependent on Pharaoh).
Radak: It thought that it is planted, and will not be uprooted. Tzidkiyah did not want to go to the Kasdim like Yirmeyah told him. He thought that the city will not be given to the Kasdim.
What is the question "ha'Sitzlach"?
Rashi: Is it possible that it will succeed? It rebelled against the one who first planted it!
Radak: How does it think that it will succeed?! How did Tzidkiyah expect to be saved from the Kasdim? He disgraced the curse and annulled the Bris (16)!
Malbim: Even if the Nesher will not come to uproot it, since it was uprooted and replanted elsewhere, can it succeed in a place that is not its place?!
What is the comparison to the east wind drying it?
Radak: Melech Bavel is compared to the east wind, for Bavel is northeast of Eretz Yisrael. Also the east wind is hot, and dries - "Ru'ach ha'Kadim Hovish Piryah" (19:12).
Malbim: It will dry, for the wind will uproot it
Why is there a double expression "Tivash Yavosh"?
Radak: The latter is Makor (like an infinitive). It is to strengthen the action, like "va'Yevarech Baruch Eschem" (Yehoshua 24:10).
Why does it say "Al Arugos Tzimchah Tivash"?
Radak: It will dry in the place where it hoped that Melech Egypt will water it.
Malbim: Even without the east wind, even if it will stand in the patch where it sprouts, it will dry, for it has no power to last, like the Nimshal will be explained after this.