What will He take?
Rashi: Melech ha'Mashi'ach.
Radak: The Tzimras ha'Erez that I detached and displaced it, I will take from it again. This is not what Melech Bavel took "va'Yikach Es Tzimras ha'Erez" (3), for he took it to remove and nullify it. I will take it from its place in Galus and put it in its place - "v'Nasati". 1
Radak (3): The top of the cedar. This is a Mashal for Har Tziyon, the house of the kingdom.
What is the meaning of "v'Nasati"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I will sustain it.
Radak: Refer to 17:22:1:2.
Malbim: I will give to him his own existence (importance); Evil Merudach (who will succeed Nebuchadnetzar) will take him out of jail
What are "Rosh Yonekosav"?
Radak: This is Yehoyachin.
Why will He detach "Rach"?
Rashi: Normally, one grafts only shoots that grew last year.
Radak, Malbim: I will 'cut off' Zerubavel ben She'alti'el ben Yehoyachin for his benefit, to plant him in his land.
Why does it say "v'Shasalti"?
Malbim: From his seed will sprout light for Beis David in the end of days.
What is "Talul"?