
What is "Ish ha'Benayim"?


Refer to 17:4:1:1,2.


Sotah 42b: He was conceived from [many] men. 1


Radak: This is difficult, as well as the Drashah that he was conceived from 100 men, and some say, also a dog (refer to 17:23:3:1, 17:23:3:1 2

). Those who expound so hold that a woman can become pregnant from many men together. Also Tanchuma (Vayeshev 1) holds that Aholivamah is called Bas Anah Bas Tzivon, for she was conceived from both of them. Some argue, and say that a woman cannot conceive from many men, and some say that it is possible only before the first's semen rotted (Yerushalmi Yevamos 4:2) (i.e. within three days. Seemingly, even if based on nature it is impossible, can we not say that the conception was miraculous? Midrashim say that women conceived from angels, and Og was big enough to uproot a mountain! - PF).


Why does it say Oleh (ascends)? Above (verse 4), it says only that he left Machanos Pelishtim!


Malbim: Before, he left the camp to go to the canyon between the camps. Now he was ascending the mountain on which Yisrael camped and approached their camp.


Why is mi'Ma'archos written without the Chaf?


Rashi (from Rus Rabah 2:20): It is written mi'Ma'aros to hint to Ha'arah (the first stage of Bi'ah). He was conceived from 100 men 1 who had Bi'ah with Orpah 2 the night 3 after she separated from Na'ami.


Radak: This alludes to camps of Pelishtim from the plains in which they were camped. Ma'arah refers to a plain. Targum Yonasan of "mi'Ma'arah Geva" (Shoftim 20:33) is mi'Mishor Giv'asa.


Rus Rabah (2:20): Some say, 100 men and a dog, for he said "ha'Kelev Anochi" (verse 43).


Korban ha'Edah (Yerushalmi Yevamos 4:2): He was so strong, for he received strength from 100 men.


Orpah returned to Sedei Mo'av, on the west of Eretz Yisrael. How could she get to Eretz Pelishtim that night, on the east of Eretz Yisrael? It is a 40 day journey between them (refer to Bamidbar 13:25:152:1,2)! She'elas Ya'avetz (1:127, from Gitin 57a) - Eretz Yisrael expands and shrinks according to its inhabitants. (Nowadays, from the Yarden in the east to the Yam ha'Gadol in the west. is only about 65 Mil, less than two days journey, and much less riding on a horse.) Most versions of this Midrash do not say that the men were Pelishtim. If so, why was Galyus a Pelishti? Orpah was a descendant of Melech Mo'av (Rus Rabah 2:9)! Perhaps due to shame, she promptly went far away (where her mass Zenus was not known), married a Pelishti, and attributed the child to him. Zohar Chadash (Rus, 37a) says that she was Mafkir herself [for Zenus] in Sedei Mo'av, but was rejected, so she went to Eretz Pelishtim; it does not say that Galyus was conceived that night. Midrash Zuta (Rus 1:12) says that it was the same night, from 100 Pelishtim! Tosfos (Sotah 42b DH Me'ah) says that a company of 100 had Bi'ah with her. Perhaps they were Pelishtim. (PF)


Why does it say mi'Ma'archos Pelishtim? Above (verse 4), it says mi'Machanos Pelishtim!


Malbim: Before, the armies had merely camped. Now, they had arranged in battle formation.

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