
Why did he mention the lion and bear? Only one of them took the Seh!


Radak: They came together, and I struck both of them.


Why is the word "Seh" written 'Zeh'?


Minchas Shai: It says so in some printed Nevi'im; 1 this is a mistake. It says so in all handwritten Nevi'im and old printed Nevi'im. It is clear from Targum Yonasan (Imra), the Abarvenel, Kli Yakar (Lani'ado) and Konkordantzia that the text is Seh.


Malbim citing a Midrash, Divrei Eliyahu: When Hashem saved David miraculously, he slaughtered the Seh and made a garment from its skin and constantly wore it, in order to remember the miracle. He showed his garment to Sha'ul, and said 'the lion and bear carried this Seh!'


Minchas Shai assumed that these texts hold that it is also pronounced "Zeh". His supports from the Targum and Meforshim do not contradict those who say that it is written 'Zeh' but pronounced 'Seh'. (PF)

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