
Why did he curse David?


Malbim: Initially he thought that each side will choose a representative [and the nation of the defeated will serve the victor - refer to 17:9:1:1 and the note there]. For this, the Kelim must be the same. When he saw that David has no weapon, he realized 1 that he merely comes for vengeance and to disgrace him.


Did Galyus think that someone else could wear such heavy armor? According to Rashi (refer to 17:7:2:1), it was about 2,000 kilos! There were other people strong enough, e.g. Galyus' brothers, Shimshon


Why did he say "ha'Kelev Anochi"?


Refer to 17:23:3:1, 17:23:3:1 1 .

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