
From where exactly did the angels depart?


Rashi: From the point to which Avraham had accompanied them. 1


Gur Aryeh: We might have thought that they only now turned to leave from Avraham's tent. Rashi reminds us that in verse 18:16, Avraham already walked with them a certain distance to escort them on their way.


Seeing as it wasn't Avraham who came there to speak to HaSh-m, but HaSh-m who came to speak to Avraham, (18:20), the Torah ought to have said that HaSh-m was still standing over Avraham!


Rashi: It is more Kavod HaSh-m to write that Avraham was still standing before HaSh-m than vice-versa.


What is the significance of Avraham standing before HaSh-m?


Rashi: Although the angels had already gone to Sedom, HaSh-m was still 'standing' before Avraham, 1 waiting for him to Daven on their behalf.


Seforno: Even though the angels had already arrived in Sedom to destroy it, Avraham stood before HaSh-m Davening for mercy and to defend them. 2


Rashbam: Avraham was standing before the angel (as the Shali'ach of HaSh-m) to beseech him (on behalf of Sedom).


Targum Yonasan: He was Davening on behalf of Lot. 3


Refer to 18:22:2:1.


As the Gemara says in Berachos 10a, 'Even if there is a sword at one's throat, one should not stop praying for Rachamim.'


It is not clear however, why Targum Yonasan says this, seeing as the Pasuk goes on to describe his Tefilos on behalf of Sedom.


How, chronologically, does this Pasuk fit in to the Parshah?


Ramban (citing the Ibn Ezra): The Torah writes it to inform us that it was after the angels arrived in Sedom, that HaSh-m said to Avraham "The cries of Sedom and Amorah are great" (18:20).


Ramban: Seeing as Pasuk 18:20 was said to Avraham, it makes more sense 1 to say that after the angels left for Sedom, HaSh-m said Pasuk 18:20, following which Avraham 'was still standing before HaSh-m,' pleading with Him to have mercy on Sedom and to ask permission to speak. Then, after they arrived in Sedom (in this Pasuk), he Davened the Tefilah that the Torah now records. 2 Alternatively, "Avraham was still standing before HaSh-m," and he continued his Tefilos in the next Pasuk (18:23).


Since, according to the Ibn Ezra, it is not clear why the Torah did not insert this Pasuk before 18:20.


According to the Ramban, the question remains, the Torah ought to have written here that "the men arrived in Sedom." The opening phrase, "The men departed from there," when all's said and done, belongs before 18:20.



Rashi writes: "Avraham was still standing before HaSh-m -But it was not Avraham who had approached HaSh-m [but rather the opposite]!" Why is the wording difficult? In either case, Avraham was still standing before HaSh-m?


Mizrachi: The verse should have said that HaSh-m was still waiting for Avraham [to finish with the guests, as Avraham had requested (18:3)]. Instead, it writes that Avraham was waiting for HaSh-m.


Gur Aryeh: The words "he was still standing" imply that he will at some point leave the position he took. But it was HaSh-m Who had approached to speak to Avraham; the verse should have written that HaSh-m was still standing there. 1


Rashi therefore concludes that the text is emended with a more respectful expression towards HaSh-m. Refer to 18:22:3.2.


Rashi writes: "This is a Tikun Soferim (scribes' emendation." Can the scribes make a change in the Torah?


Gur Aryeh: The Torah itself uses a more respectful expression towards HaSh-m, as scribes often do in their own documents. The Torah generally uses people's expression (Diberah Torah k'Lashon Bnei Adam).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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