
What is the danger of "Merivei Am"?


Shochar Tov (18:34): [Save me, lest] they demote me from my kingship. 1


Rashi citing a Midrash: Save me from being punished for perverting judgment among Yisrael, or for subjugating Yisrael more than is proper.


Radak: In Shmuel II, 22:44 it says Merivei Ami. Save me from the war of Sha'ul and those who supported him, and Avshalom and those with him.


Malbim: If Ba'alei Bris [of the nations that I destroyed] will come to wage their battle, save me from them.


In Shmuel II, 22:44 it says Merivei Ami. Shochar Tov explains, lest my nation judge me.


What is the meaning of "Tesimeni l'Rosh Goyim"?


Rashi citing a Midrash: Make me head of other nations - there is no punishment for them (if I pervert their judgment or subjugate them too much)!


Radak: You saved me from Merivei Am, and made me the head of nations.


Malbim: (Not only will Nochrim not strike me for having destroyed their friends.) Rather, You even made me the head of nations!

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