
What do we learn from "l'Sa'avah Yevakesh Nifrad"?


Rashi citing Nazir 23b: This refers to Lot. He separated from Avraham for the desires of his heart 1 .


Rashi: One who separates from Hashem, not to guard His Mitzvos, due to his heart's desires, he pursues his Yetzer ha'Ra.


R. Yonah #1: The verse scorns one who is drawn after desire. He is separated from every friend 2 , for one cannot bear a friend who is drawn after his desire, and never nullifies his desire due to his friend's desire. The prefix Lamed is extra, like "Hargu l'Avner" (Shmuel II, 3:30).


R. Yonah #2: The verse refers to what is before and after it. One who seeks a matter of desire, and nothing stops his Ru'ach, and he says all that he desires, he is separated from every brother and friend - anyone who elaborates with words, he brings sin (Avos 1:17). Also, his many words are a burden; people hate his company.


Malbim #1: One who already separated from desire and seeks it, e.g. an old or ill person, and they seek strategies to lust (e.g. via medicines), he will be revealed with every weakness. Tushiyah is like Tashus Ko'ach (weakening). It weakens his body with all kinds of weakness.


Malbim #2: One who separates from desire (like Nezirim, who separated to Midbaros where there are no people), their desire overpowers more, for they seek it and it is not found by them. Whenever they do find [ability to fulfill it], it is revealed even more.


Rashi from 23b: The entire verse "va'Yivchar Lot Es Kol Kikar ha'Yarden


What is the significance of "b'Chol Tushiyah Yisgala"?


Rashi citing Nazir 23b: Lot's disgrace is revealed in Batei Kenesiyos (when they read "Lo Yavo Amoni u'Mo'avi


R. Yonah: "Tushiyah" is like Anshei Tushiyah. "V'Sushiyah Yir'eh Shmecha" (Michah 6:9) is an Ish Tushiyah, "Shivtecha b'Soch Mirmah" (Yirmeyah 9:5). "B'Chol Tushiyah" is like b'Soch Kol Anshei Tushiyah, just like "b'Kahal Rav" (Tehilim 22:26) means b'Soch Kahal Rav.


Even if they have no knowledge about the matter. (PF)

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