
What do we learn from "Matza Ishah Matza Tov"?


Rashi #1: This refers to one who found Torah.


Rashi #2: This simply refers to one who married a woman. Brachos 8a - in Eretz Yisrael, if the Kalah is proper, they say to him "Matza Ishah Matza Tov"; if not, they say "Motzei Ani Mar mi'Maves Es ha'Ishah."


R. Yonah: Other successes in worldly matters, e.g. wealth, serenity and honor, often good comes from them, and sometimes evil, damage and destruction come from them. E.g. "Bote'ach b'Ashro Hu Yipol" (11:28). Or, he will get haughty about his wealth or honor - "To'avas Hashem Kol Gevah Lev" (16:5), "v'Ram Levavecha v'Shachachta" (Devarim 8:14); there is "Osher Shamur li'V'alav l'Ra'aso" (Koheles 5:12). If Hashem summonsed a good woman for a man, in this he received Ratzon from Hashem. This is benefit without harm, good without evil - "Eshes Chayil Ateres Ba'alah", "ume'Hashem Ishah Maskales", "v'Rachok mi'Peninim Michrah" (Mishlei, 12:4, 19:14, 31:6).


Malbim: If one found (married) a woman and found good and Ratzon - i.e. each is pleased with the other, and he gets good from her - this is from Hashem's good Hashgachah on him.


What is the meaning of "va'Yafek Ratzon me'Hashem"?


Rashi: He takes Ratzon out from Hashem (Hashem is pleased with him).


Hagahah in Rashi from R. Yosef Kara: [One who found (married) a woman, and found good] and he is pleased with her, Hashem is pleased 1 with him.


Malbim: Refer to 18:22:1:4.


He expounds "va'Yafek Ratzon" to apply to the Reisha "Matza Ishah

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