
What is the meaning of "Ish Re'im Lehisro'e'a"?


Rashi: One who acquires friends, a day will come when he will need them, and he will draw them close.


Radak: "Lehisro'e'a" is to be glorified, like "Alei Feleshes Esro'a" (Tehilim 108:10). One who has many friends, glory and praise will come to him from them. It increases his honor and makes fear of people depart. He is saved from the lowliness of poverty. This is from the praise of wealth; he gets the benefit of wealth, without the pride and brazen reply. One who is not wealthy will not acquire friends [if he conducts] with pride and brazen responses. He acquires them via humility and patience. An Oni does not have this acquisition of friends - "v'Dal me'Re'ehu Yipared" (19:4). A man who has his needs, and does not need others, even though he is not rich, can find [friends].


Malbim: Researchers say that one who acquires many lovers, he does not have even one. Love is singular; if it spreads, it is nullified and separated. Our verse teaches that one who has many friends, it is only Lehisro'e'a (appearance); the reflexive conjugation applies to what seems to be, but it is not. Really, he does not have friends.


Why does it say "v'Yesh Ohev Davek me'Ach"?


Rashi: If you will say, what is so special [about having friends] - there is a friend who clings more than a brother. He will draw him close more than his relatives and brothers.


R. Yonah: Aside from the honor that comes from friends and lovers, there is other benefit. Perhaps among his many friends and lovers, he will acquire a faithful lover, and he will be better to him than a brother, for there is a friend who clings more than a brother.


Malbim: If he has one lover, he clings more than a brother. This is love; it is elevated over all loves, also over brotherly love.

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