
Why does disgrace come with a Rasha?


R. Yonah #1: A Rasha's habit is to disgrace everyone.


R. Yonah #2: This refers to verse 1. When a Rasha comes among people who come to speak counsel and Da'as, not only does he not listen to another, and only wants to reveal his heart - he also disgraces others' words. A Rasha is worse than a Kesil. Sometimes it says 'Rasha' regarding a Rasha Ra (one who harms people via theft, extortion, Leshon ha'Ra, words of disgrace and lowering people's honor), e.g. "vela'Rasha Amar Elokim


What does "Gam" come to include?


R. Yonah: He should be ashamed of his evil. Not only is he not ashamed - he even disgraces others.


What is the meaning of "v'Im Kalon Cherpah"?


Rashi: Shame will come with Kalon. One who chooses Kalon and Zenus, this is shame for him!


R. Yonah: With Ish Kalon is disgrace and reviling. "Cherpah" is like "Al Tir'u Cherpas Enosh" (Yeshayah 51:7). A disgraced person reviles and disgraces everyone. The verse teaches that there are two groups that disgrace everyone - Resha'im and lowly commoners. Who is honored? One who honors people (Avos 4:1).


Malbim: If a Rasha finds Kalon (shame, in another), he brings Cherpah with it. Kalon is the opposite of honor. A Rasha's habit is to disgrace honored people, and revile the lowly with Cherpah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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