
Here, the verse lists [on the border] ha'Har, Gei Ben Hinom, and Kesef Yevusi. Above (15:8), the order is different - Gei Ben Hinom, Kesef Yevusi, ha'Har!


Bi'ur ha'Gra: Refer to 15:8:7:1.


Why is Yerushalayim not listed on Binyamin's border? It is listed on Yehudah's border (15:8)!


Malbim: Yevus is Yerushalayim 1 , like it says below (verse 28). It was in Binyamin.


According to Bi'ur ha'Gra, Yerushalayim (Kesef Yevusi) is not a place on Yehudah's border; it merely clarifies where is Gei Ben Hinom.

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