
What is the meaning of "va'Titzlach"?


Radak: Passed [on him], like "v'Tzalchu ha'Yarden" (2:19:18).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Rested [on him].


What is the meaning of "va'Yisnabei"?


Targum Yonasan: V'Ishtatei. Rashi - A Navi and a lunatic speak words of hints that are not recognized. Radak - he spoke inane words.


Malbim: The reflexive of this verb always refers to prophecy that is not complete. The reflexive often refers to an illusory action. 1 Or, it refers to habit and training - "Es ha'Elokim His'halech Noach" (Bereishis 6:9). This form is used for Bnei (people training to be) Nevi'im - "Eldad u'Meidad Misnab'im" (Bamidbar 11:27), i.e. they are training for Nevu'ah. For absolute prophecy, a Kaved (Pi'el) or Nif'al conjugation is used. Amidst Shmuel's madness, he was like one who predicts the future, that David will take his kingship.


Malbim: E.g. "Yesh Mis'asher v'Ein Kol Misroshesh v'Hon Rav" (Mishlei 13:7; he seems to be rich, but has nothing; [another] seems to be poor, but has great wealth). We find like this "Meshuga u'Misnabei" (Yirmeyah 29:26), "Misnab'im Lefneihem", "va'Yisnab'u Ad La'alos ha'Minchah" (Melachim 1 22:10, 1:18:29)

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