
How could Lot offer have offered his daughters to the mob, to save his guests?


Ramban: Indeed, on the one hand we see once again 1 Lot's high level of Hachnasas Orechim, while on the other, his low level of modesty concerning women. 2


Seforno: He expected his future sons-in-law (to whom the girls were betrothed), to come to their assistance, and a fight would ensue.


Refer to 19:1:4:1, refer to 19:2:4:2.


Refer to 13:10:1:3. See also Rashi to 19:33. Chochmah u'Musar (Vol. 2, p. 270) - In spite of his honor and wealth, he showed great humility and generosity to them, for Avraham had trained him. Why did Chazal expound to his detriment? Due to lust for wealth he separated from Avraham, and declined terribly.


The verse says about Lot's daughters, "Lo Yad'u Ish." It says about Rivka, "Ish Lo Yeda'ah" (24:16)!


Rosh, Moshav Zekenim #1: A man enjoys Bi'ah Lo k'Darkah, but a woman does not. Rivka was a total Besulah; no man enjoyed [Bi'ah with] her even Lo k'Darkah. Lot's daughters were Besulos k'Darkah; they had not enjoyed [Bi'ah with] men, but men had enjoyed them.


Moshav Zekenim #2: Lot's daughters [later] enticed their father, and they knew that they were having Bi'ah with him, but he was unaware. 1 Likewise, it says about Bnos Midyan who enticed Bnei Yisrael, "Ishah Yoda'as Ish" (Bamidbar 31:17).


Hadar Zekenim: Because later they enticed their father, the verse attributes the disgrace to them (i.e. they had not known etc).


Perhaps Moshav Zekenim merely wants to show that the enticement was totally from his daughters. Alternatively, the verse hints that now they had not yet enticed a man, but later they would.



Rashi writes: "'Inasmuch as they have come' (Ki Al Ken Ba'u) - Do this favor in my honor, for they have come under my shelter." But usually, the word "Ki" gives a reason?


Gur Aryeh: We cannot translate, '... because this is why they have come to my house." They had not come to be saved from the violent mob; in fact they were not being pursued at all before they came! Rather, it means, 'inasmuch as they have come.'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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