
What did he see?


Radak #1: He saw that he is in danger.


Radak #2: Some explain "va'Yar" like va'Yira (he feared). 1


Malbim: He saw with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh that Yachol Tuchal 2 .


Radak: Why do they explain like this? Grammatically, this cannot be. Also Yonason translates 'he saw'!


I.e. Izevel has ability to kill him, therefore he fled. (PF)


What is the meaning of "El Nafsho"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: To save his soul.


Malbim: To [isolate himself and] engage in perfection of his soul. This was his primary engagement, just when needed, he was sent to [prophesize to] the nation. After he saw that all his wonders did not work 1 , he saw that he has no involvement to perfect the nation, so he went to perfect his soul.


All Yisrael gathered to Har ha'Karmel, and saw that Ba'al is futile and declared "Hashem Hu ha'Elokim"! Perhaps he understood that Izevel will entice Achav to return to his evil, and Achav will lead Yisrael to return to serve idolatry. (PF)


Why does it say "Asher li'Yhudah"?


Radak: Do not say that it is because there is another Be'er-Sheva in Shimon's portion (Yehoshua 19:2). It is the same one written in Yehudah's portion (Yehoshua 15:28)! It was listed also with Shimon, because Shimon inherited amidst Yehudah. Rather, he left the jurisdiction of Achav and his land, and went to Eretz Yehudah, due to fear of Izevel.


Why did he leave his youth there?


Malbim: It was to separate from people and isolate himself. This was his desire now - "Mi Yitneni va'Midbar Melon Orchim..." (Yirmeyah 9:1).

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