
What are "v'Shivtecha v'Tzeischa u'Vo'echa"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Your sitting in counsel, going out to war and coming to Eretz Yisrael is revealed in front of Me; it was from Me. Rashi (Yeshayah 37:28) - I knew when you intended to destroy My house!


Radak: Your sitting in your land, going out from your land and coming here, all is revealed in front of Me. Malbim (Yeshayah 37:28) - these are under My knowledge and Hashgachah. Do not say that your strong hand conquered!


What is "Hisragezcha Elai"?


Rashi: [In the end,] you will get haughty and enraged at Me.


Rashi (Yeshayah 37:29): You clamored and [claimed that you] overpowered Me.


Radak: You got angry at Me and spoke about me like one speaks about wood and stone.


Malbim (Yeshayah 37:28): It is your blasphemy. You will be punished for it!

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