
What is the meaning of "Naham ka'Kfir Za'af Melech"?


Rashi: This refers to [the anger of] Hashem.


R. Yonah: Even if the king is silent and does not rebuke harshly, one should fear his anger like a lion's roar. Damage must come from his anger. The verse comes to put fear of the kingdom on man, like Chazal said 1 .


Malbim: When the king is angry and sad, no one should approach him, just like a roaring young lion. A young lion does not go out for prey, just it tears anything that comes close to its abode.


Magihah: Zevachim 102a.


Why does it say "uch'Tal Al Esev Retzono"?


R. Yonah: Benefit must come from the king's Ratzon. Even if he will not promise to him, and does not inform that he intends to benefit him, [benefit will come,] just like there cannot be dew on grass without benefit. Ratzon without words is compared to dew on grass, which does not have a loud noise like rain.


Malbim: When the king is pleased, this is like dew on grass. It moistens the grass and influences life on every blade of grass by itself. So dew of salvation will drip on all his servants around him, and all will approach the light of his face. See above "Chamas Melech Mal'achei Maves" (refer to 16:14:1:3).

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