
Above, it says "Ka'as l'Aviv Ben Kesil" (17:25). Why does it say here "Havos l'Aviv Ben Kesil"?


Malbim: Hei it teaches that if a wife's quarrels accompany a Ben Kesil, the quarrels in the house are like a drip via the roof, which ruins the house. If he leaves the house and sees his Ben Kesil and his evil deeds, the father will be broken. Via the Kesil, quarrels will increase until he is broken.


What is the comparison to "Delef Tored"?


Rashi: Rain that drips into the house bothers and distracts the residents. So are the quarrels of an evil wife.


R. Yonah: Quarrels of a wife are harsher to a man than a foolish son. In spite of much talk and anger at a Ben Kesil, his anger does not drive him from his house. Quarrels of a wife drive him from his house. Da'as cannot bear her words and quarrels, just like a drip drives a man from his house. He can dwell there while it is dripping.


Malbim: It ruins the house.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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