
What do we learn from "Yir'as Hashem l'Chayim v'Save'a Yalin Bal Yipaked Ra"?


Brachos 14a #1: If one does not have a dream for seven days, he is called a Rasha -- we read this "v'Sheva."


Brachos 14a #2: One who satiates himself with Divrei Torah before Linah (sleeping) will not receive bad tidings.


Rashi: This refers to one who fears Hashem. He will not fear any evil.


R. Yonah: He will not desire. One who fears, all that the eye treasures, it is like nothing to him. He desires only Yir'as Hashem and His Avodah. This is his pleasure - "Kemo Chelev va'Deshen Tisba Nafshi" (Tehilim 63:6). The Nefesh of Chachmah is called Ravah, for it does not desire - "Lema'an Sefos ha'Ravah Es ha'Tzeme'ah" (Devarim 29:18). They will not decree evil on him from Shamayim - "b'Shesh Tzaros Yatzileka" (Iyov 5:19). Even though they decree on a nation and a person together, the Tzadik is saved - "mi'Shemu'ah Ra'ah Lo Yira" (Tehilim 112:7).


R. Yonah #2: Perhaps the verse [contrasts - PF] to the liar of verse 22. He steals for the desire of wealth, that people will honor him and need his Chesed.


Malbim: Fear of worldly mishaps, it shortens life. He refrains from eating and sleeping. Fear of Hashem is for life. He eats to satiation and sleeps. This fear removes other fears. He is confident that evil will not occur to him.

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