
What is the meaning of "[Meshaded Av] Yavri'ach Em"?


Rashi: He makes the mother flee.


R. Yonah: Above it discussed rebuke. Now it discusses what happens to parents who withheld the staff and do not rebuke their son. He ruins his father's property, and makes his mother flee, for women do not have as much as patience as men. She will flee, for she cannot bear him.


What is "Ben Mevish u'Machpir"?


Rashi: A son who makes his ways shameful [makes his mother flee]. Sarah saw Hagar's son frolicking with idolatry and Arayos. This caused his mother to be sent away - "va'Yera ha'Davar Me'od b'Einei Avraham" (Bereishis 21:11).


R. Yonah: He is Mevish via lack of Da'as, and Machpir via foolish deeds.


Malbim: He shames them via his deeds.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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