
Does wealth increase friends?


Rashi #1: Yes - many love him.


Rashi #2: This refers to one who learned Torah.


R. Yonah: Yes. Even if he had no friends before he waxed rich, wealth will add to him many friends, for he benefits people with is wealth - "v'Ohavei Ashir Rabim" (14:20).


Malbim: If you see that an Ashir has many friends, they are not friends of him, rather, of his wealth. More money attracts more friends.


Why does it say "v'Dal me'Re'ehu Yipared"?


R. Yonah: If he had a friend before he became poor, he will separate from him in his poverty.


Malbim: Just like an Oni separates from his wealth, he separates from his friends. Most of the friendship and love is self-love, and it depends on the wealth; they hope to benefit from him.

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