
Why did he say "Ki Sihyu Li ha'Yom l'Satan"?


Malbim: If I kill him, people will say that I bear anger for my enemies, and I will punish all who rebelled, and they will not return to me. 1


Could he not publicly pardon all who rebelled, and announce that Shim'i alone will be punished for cursing? (PF)


Why did he say "ha'Yom Yumas Ish b'Yisrael"?


Malbim: It is as if David is a new king. The custom is that when a king rises to power, he pardons from death all prisoners. Surely one should not decree death on this day!


Why did he say "Ki ha'Yom Ani Melech"?


Rashi: Before, I thought that a great person like him disgraced me because my kingship ceased, and Hashem told him to curse me. Now that I see that he regrets, I know that I am king.


Malbim: It is improper to kill him today, because my kingship is weak today, or due to the custom. Refer to 19:23:1:1, 19:23:2:1.

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