
To whom do "Arzei ha'Levanon" and "Alonei ha'Bashan" refer?


Rashi: They refer to Giborim and officials, respectively, just like oak trees are lower than cedars.


Radak: Both are metaphors for Nochri kings. These are the tallest trees - "Asher k'Govah Arazim Gavho v'Chason Hu ka'Alonim" (Amos 2:9). Targum Yonasan is 'Al Kol Malchei 1 Amemaya.'


Malbim: The former are elevated due to intrinsic attributes, e.g. Chachmah, appearance or stature. The latter are lower (they are lowly, just they are haughty in their hearts).


Our text says 'Ravrevanei.' (PF)

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