
Why is he called Ben Adam?


Rashi #1: Yechezkel is called so, for he saw the Merkavah and went in the Aliyah (above), and he used it like angels. Hashem called him so, to say 'there is no one born to a woman other than this one.'


Rashi #2: It is lest he become haughty due to seeing the Merkavah. Radak #1 - he should not consider himself like one of the angels.


Radak #2: Because he saw a human face on the Merkavah, Hashem informed him that he is straight and good in His eyes. He is Ben Adam, and not Ben Arye, Ben Shor or Ben Nesher. Here Targum Yonasan is Bar Adam, and not Bar Anasha, even though regarding Pnei Adam (10) he translated Anasha.

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