
Why would He strip her?


Radak: It is to leave her naked.


Malbim: If she will not remove her Zenus, I am not her husband, so I will take back the garments that I gave to her.


Why does it mention "k'Yom Hivaldah"?


Rashi: It is the day that I found her in Egypt - "u'Moldosayich b'Yom Huledes Osach Lo Charas Sharech; ? va'Tushlechi El Pnei ha'Sadeh b'Go'el Nafshech", "Lo Chasah Alayich Ayin" (Yechezkel 16:4-5).


Radak: I would leave her naked like the day she was born ? "Arum Yatzasi mi'Beten Imi" (Iyov 1:21). The matter is repeated in different words. "V'At Erom v'Eryah; va'Albishech Rikmah" (Yechezkel 16:7, 10).


Malbim: At the time that Hashem chose Yisrael in Egypt, they are compared to an abandoned naked baby in her blood. Hashem passed by, bathed and dressed her married her and entered her to a settled city and a land "Zavas Chalav u'Devash" (Shemos 3:8). So it says "b'Yom Huledes Osach Lo Charas Sharech; va'E'evor Alayich va'Er'ech Misboseses b'Damayich; ? v'At Erom v'Eryah; ? va'Efrosh Kenafi Alayich va'Achaseh Ervasech?; va'Albishech Rikmah" (Yechezkel 16:4-10). Since the marriage is Batel due to the Zenus, I will strip her to be naked like she was, and put her in her blood, like she was on the day that she was born.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): I will take back the garments that I gave to her, i.e. making the Shechinah dwell among her, Hashgachah, and all her glorious Kelim.


How did He make her like a Midbar?


Rashi: I decreed on them in the Midbar that there "Yitamu v'Sham Yamusu" (Bamidbar 14:35).


Radak #1: It is Hefker to everyone, and there is no food or needs of man. So I will remove all My good from you, and you will be Hefker to everyone ? "v'Histarti Panai Mehem v'Hayah Le'echol" (Devarim 31:17).


Radak #2: This hints to the Churban - "Nitzesah cha'Midbar" (Yirmeyah 9:11).


Malbim: I will return her to Galus among the nations, which is a Mashal for the Midbar; she will wallow in the blood of those killed.


Why does it add "v'Shatiha k'Eretz Tziyah"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


What do we learn from "va'Hamitiha ba'Tzama"?


Radak: This repeats making it like a Midbar, for the Midbar is dry, without water.


Radak (according to the Nimshal): Thirst is a Mashal for Bitul of Torah and its Nevi'im ? "Malkah v'Sareha va'Goyim Ein Torah Gam Nevi'eha Lo Matz'u Chazon me'Hashem" (Eichah 2:9), "Lo Ra'av la'Lechem v'Lo Tzamei la'Mayim Ki Im Lishmo'a Divrei Hashem" (Amos 8:11).

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