
What is the meaning of "Me'ik Tachteichem"?


Rashi: Me'ik is the Targum of Metzik (paining). Tachteichem is Your encampment.


Radak: I will afflict you in your place, so you cannot flee to be saved. Me'ik is affliction, like "Mipnei Akas Rasha" (Tehilim 55:4). The Targum of Tzarah is Aksa.


What pains the wagon?


Rashi: The weight of the load on it.


Radak: This is a Mashal. A wagon is not alive, to feel pain!


Why does it say "Amir"?


Radak: It pains more due to its volume. One who carries Amir (sheaves, which are not dense) is pained more than one who carries of another load (of something denser ? it has the same weight but a smaller volume).


Malbim: When a wagon is full of sheaves they make a wall around it, lest the sheaves fall. The sheaves are pressed within the wall, and cannot fall. So I will surround you so you cannot leave your place to escape the enemy's sword.

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