
Why did He say "Kesov Chazon"?


Rashi: Write what is revealed to you.


Targum Yonasan: The Nevu'ah is written and explained in the Torah. Rashi (3) ? it says "Az Tirtzeh ha'Aretz Es Shabsoseha" (Vayikra 26:34). For 70 years, Yisrael did not observe Shemitah [and Yovel] ? "Ad Ratztah ha'Aretz Es Shabsoseha Kol Yemei Hashamah Shavasah Lemal'os Shiv'im Shanah" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 36:21). Also in Yechezkel (4:5-6), it says "va'Ani Nasati Lecha Es Shnei Avonam?" ? 390 days, a day for each year of sin until the exile of the 10 tribes, and [46 days for the] 46 years that Yehudah sinned from then until the Churban. There were 22 years of Menasheh 1 , two of his son Amon, 11 of Yehoyakim and 11 of Tzidkiyah 2 . In Yechezkel it says 40, for that Nevu'ah was six years before the Churban. In all, there were eight Yovel cycles (400 years) and 36 years [of sin]. In eight Yovel cycles there are eight years of Yovel and 56 Shemitos, and there are five Shemitos in 36 years; these are 69 years that they did not rest the land. Also the last Yovel was counted, since in their sin they were exiled [and could not fulfill returning land in Yovel].


Radak: The Navi asked when will be vengeance against the Rasha. Hashem hinted, and the Navi understood amidst the Chazon (vision). Hashem commanded to write the Chazon in a Sefer, as it is, in a hint. Hashem answered him about this Rasha's success; one who contemplates can consider [what will happen to] other Resha'im. He will see that Hashem's judgments are straight.


Malbim: Hashem informed him that Beis Achav will fall and be cut off; He did not tell him the deadline for this. (Refer to 2:3:1:3.)


Rashi: It says "va'Ya'as ha'Ra? Ka'asher Asah Achav" (Melachim II, 21:2-3), like the years of Achav, who ruled for 22 years (Menasheh's last 33 years were in Teshuvah).


Even though Tzidkiyah was a Tzadik ? he is among the "Shemonah Nesichei Adam" (Michah 5:4), which include Shmuel, Mashi'ach and Eliyahu (Sukah 52b) ? his generation was evil (Sanhedrin 103a). Rashi counts Yehoyakim's years, even though his Dor was virtuous (ibid.)! It seems that when the king or the Dor was evil, they transgressed Shemitah; normally, when the king was a Tzadik, also the Dor was (Rashi Amos 7:4). (PF)


What do we learn from "u'Va'er Al ha'Luchos"?


Rashi: Explain it well on the tablets, so that one can read it quickly and not stumble.


Rashi (3): Even though the Torah hints to the length of Galus (refer to 2:2:1:2), it is covered. Explain it on the Luchos!


Radak: The vision should be explained on the tablets, and not in a Sefer. Hashem explained that the Rasha's serenity will not last. Also in Kaloso 1 , in which he is haughty over Hashem, he will not last. Hashem told this in a hint ? this will be later, and not immediately. We find in Sefer Daniel that Hashem did things to contradict [Nebuchadnetzar's] deficient mindset, which attributed strength to himself or his god. First he had the dream, and he could not interpret it via his Chachamim or priests of idolatry, only via Daniel, to whom Hashem revealed the hidden dream and its interpretation. Daniel explained it in the name of Hashem. This made him retract and attribute strength and ability to Hashem. Also in the matter of Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah 2 he acknowledged Hashem's strength and ability. Also himself ? he was haughty in his palace, and suddenly he lost his Da'as and became like an animal and lived with them for 12 months 3 .


Malbim: The vision should be explained on the tablets, so anyone can understand it. This is unlike something written in a Sefer ? not all read Seforim, but all handle [and read] tablets.


Perhaps the text should say b'Heichalo (in his palace). (PF)


He threw them in an awesome fire for refusing to bow to his image, and Hashem saved them. (PF)


Daniel (4:28) said that this will be for "Shiv'ah Idanim"; Radak himself (Yeshayah 14:19) says that this is seven years! Perhaps the text should say after 12 months (from when Daniel said that this will happen). (PF)


Why does it say "Lema'an Yarutz Korei Vo"?


Radak: This is so people of his generation will run to read and understand it, and not be perplexed about this Rasha's success. However, what is written in the Sefer will be in a hint. It will stand many days, and when it comes, people of the generation will understand vengeance against this Rasha hinted in the Sefer. And so Hashem told Yeshayah (30:8) "Bo Chasvah Al Lu'ach Itam v'Al Sefer Chukah va'Tehi l'Yom Acharon."


Malbim: Explain it so all will understand. There would be nothing obscure in it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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