
Why does it mention "Archos" and "Magelos"?


Malbim: "Archos" are straight paths from the city to the village. "Magelos" are roundabout paths. Both of these apply to Chachmah. Sometimes one must depart from the straight path to the side, e.g. to be brazen against those who mock him in Avodas Hashem, or to be cruel and haughty against Resha'im and those who anger Hashem. Via this roundabout path he will return to the straight path. This is like one who goes on the road, and there are bandits on it. He goes on a roundabout path in order to reach a settled city safely.


What is the meaning of "u'Nelozim b'Magelosam"?


Rashi: Neloz is always an expression of crookedness. It is always near Ikesh, which is crooked - "u'Ma'akashim l'Mishor" (Yeshayah 42:16). These people are crooked in their messed up ways.


Malbim: Those who sin and deny, [even] their Archos are crooked. Do not say that via this, they will return to a straight path to a settled city. They are crooked in their Magelos; they want to go in anarchy, without a path.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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