
Why does it say "Ki Im la'Binah Sikra"?


R. Yonah: This is the third attribute - to pray for Chachmah. He prays to Hashem to make him succeed and attain it. Tikra is Tefilah, like "uv'Yamai Ekra" (Tehilim 116:2).


Malbim: Binah is what a person contemplates little by little, and adds Da'as, to understand a matter amidst another matter. One must call to Binah and summons it to you, to put your heart to every matter of Chachmah of Binah, to understand its reason.


What is the meaning of "li'Svunah Titen Kolecha"?


R. Yonah: This is like "Koli El Hashem Ekra" (Tehilim 3:5), "va'Yiten Es Kolo bi'Vchi 1 " (Bereishis 45:2).


Malbim: Tevunah is general Tevunah, which includes all matters. One cannot call to it, for it is far from man to understand every hidden matter. Rather, he raises his voice to it, like one who calls from afar, to attain what he is able to.


Surely the first verse refers to Tefilah, like R. Yonah explained regarding "Im la'Binah Sikra." However, I did not find anyone who explains the latter verse to discuss Tefilah! (PF)

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