
Why does it say "Darach Kashto"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is as if He drew a bow. Rashi: When a bow is strong, it is normal to put one's feet on it when bending it. This is why it is called Derichah (like trampling).


Palgei Mayim: Even though Yisrael did not repent until the punishment would strike them themselves in Yerushalayim, initially He merely drew the bow, to scare them.


What is the significance of "k'Oyev" and "k'Tzar"?


R. Avigdor: Like Pharaoh, who is called "Oyev" (Shemos 15:9), and like Haman, who is called "Tzar" (Esther 7:6).


Malbim (Esther 7:6): Tzar seeks his colleague's evil in practice. Oyev seeks his evil, but not in practice.


Why does it say "Nitzav Yemino"? Above, it says that He drew back His right hand! (3)


Rav Sadya Gaon: Afterwards, He stood up His right hand 1 .


Ibn Ezra: Not only did He not fight against the enemy - He drew back His right hand from helping Yisrael - rather, He became like an enemy. Ri Kara - the left hand holds the bow, and the right hand shoots the arrows (Yechezkel 39:3).


Palgei Mayim: The right hand is mercy. Sometimes a merciful doctor must afflict the Choleh and cut off flesh, lest it infect the rest of the body. So Hashem, amidst mercy, needed to appear cruel and take the Tzadikim to atone for the generation's sin.


Ibn Ezra: Nitzav is Nif'al conjugation. We find that Yemin is masculine sometimes - "Yemincha Hashem Nedari ba'Ko'ach" (Shemos 15:6).


Why does it say "b'Ohel"?


Ibn Ezra: If a tent catches fire, it is totally consumed immediately.


Who are "Kol Machamadei Ayin"?


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 2:8 #1: They are children, who are the eye's delight of their parents.


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 2:8 #2: They are the Sanhedrin, who are the eye's delight of Yisrael - "v'Hayah Im me'Einei ha'Edah" (Bamidbar 15:24).


What is the comparison to pouring fire?


Rashi: He poured His anger, which is like fire. We do not find pouring fire, only anger - "Shefoch Chamascha Al ha'Goyim" (Yirmeyah 10:25).

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