
Why did she say "v'Atah"?


Malbim: After you will cross the Yarden, you are forbidden to leave any Kena'ani alive. Swear to me now, before you cross. They were permitted to accept converts who make peace with them; Yehoshua sent three letters [to the Kena'anim before crossing]; if they want to make peace, they may make peace 1 (Yerushalmi Shevi'is 6:1). She also accepted to convert


Ramban (Gitin 46a): They also need to accept not to serve idolatry.


What is "Os Emes"?


Rashi: It is a sign, that when you conquer the city, you will recognize the sign and keep me alive.


Radak: You will fulfill it, and not be false to me.


Malbim: Sparing me is Emes, for I benefited you.


What are "Chesed" and "Emes"?


Radak, Malbim: It is a benefit that one does for another (Ploni), and he had not received any benefit from Ploni. It was Chesed for her to hide them, since they had not done anything for her. For them to spare her is Emes and obligatory, and not Chesed, for she helped them. It is Chesed to spare her family.


What were the conditions of the Shevu'ah that she requested?


Malbim: (a) Swear to me


Shulchan Aruch (YD 228:20): He can permit it only if he informs his friend. Rema

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