
Why does it say "ka'Yom"?


Radak: The prefix Kaf is to show the truth of the matter, like "Hishav'ah Li ka'Yom" (Bereishis 25:33) and "cheha'Yom Timtze'un Oso" (below, 9:13).


Why is "Lo" written with an Aleph, but it is pronounced with a Vov?


Radak: Both of them meanings are true. (He said to him, no


What is the meaning of "Ka'asher Te'aveh Nafshecha"?


Malbim: You can take raw or cooked, and as many parts as you want. 1


Presumably, the owner offered this, lest the Kohen take now and never do Zerikah and Haktarah. If so, the Korban is disqualified, and the owner gets no Mitzvah (and was not Yotzei, if he was obligated to bring a Shelamim) and no meat to eat! (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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