
Why does the Pasuk see fit to mention that HaSh-m plagued Avimelech, "Al Devar Sarah"?


Rashi: "Al Devar Sarah" does not mean 'on account of Sarah,' it means 'by her word' 1 - that He did so following Sarah's request. 2


As we learned above with regard to Pharaoh (Refer to 12:17:1:2). See also Sifsei Chachamim.


Gur Aryeh: If the verse had meant 'regarding the matter of Sarah,' it could have written 'Al Odos Sarah.' The word "Devar" implies speech.


Why does the Torah reveal which plague came upon Avimelech, but not which came upon Pharaoh?


Moshav Zekenim: Sarah gave birth after Avimelech took her, so it needed to teach that HaSh-m had closed all openings, lest one think that he impregnated her. We learn that HaSh-m plagued Pharaoh similarly.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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